Two are better than one!

"If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But, pity the man who falls and has no one to pick him up!"-Ecclesiastes 4:10

 Throughout Ecclesiastes chapter 4, we read that two are better than one.

This year my word has been relation. I picked my word out of a basket at a bible study, right after the New Year.  We each chose a word, and I was unsure of how to use or apply it. God has used it like crazy!  He relationship with Him to be #1!  Then, I am never alone. And, God has blessed me on earth to also make sure I am physically never alone. He blessed me by hand picking my husband, the perfect man to spend the rest of my life with, and incredible family and friends. God has blessed me so much, that my cup truly overflows. But, relationships take work. With Christ, I must remain in the Word, in prayer, and in the stillness of his presence. With friends this can be through quality time, helping lift a friend when they fall, encouraging them, loving them, listening, hugging, laughing, crying, etc.

On the flip side, my friends can also be there for me. And this is where it gets hairy for me. I have a hard time asking for help. It's easier for me to work twice as hard, work through whatever it is, or sweep it under the rug, or deal with it on my own. Asking for help is HARD for me. Why? I don't know. I'm not sure. Pride must have something to do with it. Actually pride has everything to do with it.  I need to realize the potential that God has for me when I let go of the pride and reach out. God hates the sin of pride. And, if I let go of it, and admit that I don't have it all together, my relationships will be even stronger and more beautiful then they already are.

Father, forgive me for the pride that I harbor by thinking...I've got it. I can do it. I'm fine! I need you and I need the relationships that you have blessed me so greatly  with. I love you and I love those that you have surrounded me with. Thank you for giving me the love of those around me, and thank you for loving me! Image result for friends


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