Wow! Did any of you see the sunrise this morning? The sunrise here in Winslow, Arizona was absolutely breathtaking! I didn't get a picture, however a picture could not have captured the shades pink, gold, orange, violet and blue, just right. Our incredible savior also took the time to create the perfect sunrise! Wow! This morning, my heart feels too big to fit into my chest! I feel the love of our redeeming Father this morning deep in my soul! I can feel it in my bones! I had a student that showed me her beautiful gift that she received from a friend. The gift was a glass jar with peppermints. A sweet gift that truly brightened this girl's entire day! The gift was a simple, yet beautiful demonstration of love that one friend has for another. This gift also gave my student the feeling of love, deep in her heart, and was well reflected in her beautiful smile. It really made me am I demonstr...