
Showing posts from March, 2015

Wait? Really?

Wait patiently for the LORD. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the LORD.   -Psalm 27:14 OK.  The first word on this verse is wait .  WOW!  Immediately, my attitude changes when I see this verse.  Wait?  Really?  Does no one realize how busy I am?  Doesn't anyone know that I need an  answer now?  But does waiting have to be negative and bad?  I just read the bible story of the bleeding woman.  She had to deal with her bleeding for 12 years.  She had been to doctors, who could do nothing.  A cure could not be found... A cure could not be found, yet she still had hope.  She knew that she could touch the robe of Jesus and be cured.  She believed in his power, his strength, and knew that he could heal her.  After 12 years!  She continued to wait. She still had the hope and the faith in Jesus!  When I do not have the answer I need after 12 hours, I whine and cry an...